
Discovery and features of an alkylating signature in colorectal cancer

Several risk factors have been established for colorectal cancer, yet their direct mutagenic effects in patients' tumors remain to be elucidated. Here, we leveraged whole-exome sequencing data from 900 colorectal cancer cases that had occurred in three U.S.-wide prospective studies with extensive dietary and lifestyle information. We found an alkylating signature that was previously undescribed in colorectal cancer and then showed the existence of a similar mutational process in normal colonic crypts. This alkylating signature is associated with high intakes of processed and unprocessed red meat prior to diagnosis. In addition, this signature was more abundant in the distal colorectum, predicted to target cancer driver mutations KRAS p.G12D, KRAS p.G13D, and PIK3CA p.E545K, and associated with poor survival. Together, these results link for the first time a colorectal mutational signature to a component of diet and further implicate the role of red meat in colorectal cancer initiation and progression.

Significance: Colorectal cancer has several lifestyle risk factors, but the underlying mutations for most have not been observed directly in tumors. Analysis of 900 colorectal cancers with whole-exome sequencing and epidemiologic annotations revealed an alkylating mutational signature that was associated with red meat consumption and distal tumor location, as well as predicted to target KRAS p.G12D/p.G13D

Journal Cancer Discovery
Authors Carino Gurjao et al
DATE 01 October 2021
Increased somatic mutation burdens in normal human cells due to defective DNA polymerases

Mutation accumulation in somatic cells contributes to cancer development and is proposed as a cause of aging. DNA polymerases Pol ε and Pol δ replicate DNA during cell division. However, in some cancers, defective proofreading due to acquired POLE/POLD1 exonuclease domain mutations causes markedly elevated somatic mutation burdens with distinctive mutational signatures. Germline POLE/POLD1 mutations cause familial cancer predisposition. Here, we sequenced normal tissue and tumor DNA from individuals with germline POLE/POLD1 mutations. Increased mutation burdens with characteristic mutational signatures were found in normal adult somatic cell types, during early embryogenesis and in sperm. Thus human physiology can tolerate ubiquitously elevated mutation burdens. Except for increased cancer risk, individuals with germline POLE/POLD1 mutations do not exhibit overt features of premature aging. These results do not support a model in which all features of aging are attributable to widespread cell malfunction directly resulting from somatic mutation burdens accrued during life.

Team Mutographs
Journal Nature Genetics
Authors Philip Robinson et al
DATE 30 September 2021
The adaptive immune system is a major driver of selection for tumor suppressor gene inactivation

During tumorigenesis, tumors must evolve to evade the immune system and do so by disrupting the genes involved in antigen processing and presentation or up-regulating inhibitory immune checkpoint genes. We performed in vivo CRISPR screens in syngeneic mouse tumor models to examine requirements for tumorigenesis both with and without adaptive immune selective pressure. In each tumor type tested, we found a marked enrichment for the loss of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in the presence of an adaptive immune system relative to immunocompromised mice. Nearly one-third of TSGs showed preferential enrichment, often in a cancer- and tissue-specific manner. These results suggest that clonal selection of recurrent mutations found in cancer is driven largely by the tumor’s requirement to avoid the adaptive immune system.

Journal Science
Authors Timothy D. Martin et al
DATE 17 September 2021
Immune cell profiles in the tumor microenvironment of early-onset, intermediate-onset, and later-onset colorectal cancer

Despite heightened interest in early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosed before age 50, little is known on immune cell profiles of early-onset CRC. It also remains to be studied whether CRCs diagnosed at or shortly after age 50 are similar to early-onset CRC. We therefore hypothesized that immune cell infiltrates in CRC tissue might show differential heterogeneity patterns between three age groups (< 50 “early onset,” 50–54 “intermediate onset,”  ≥ 55 “later onset”).

Journal Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
Authors Tomotaka Ugai et al
DATE 16 September 2021
Relationship between Fusobacterium nucleatum and antitumor immunity in colorectal cancer liver metastasis

Fusobacterium nucleatum has been detected in 8%-13% of human colorectal cancer, and shown to inhibit immune responses against primary colorectal tumors in animal models. Thus, we hypothesized that the presence of Fnucleatum might be associated with reduced T cell density in colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM). We quantified Fnucleatum DNA in 181 CRLM specimens using quantitative PCR assay. The densities of CD8+ T cells, CD33+ cells (marker for myeloid-derived suppressor cells [MDSCs]), and CD163+ cells (marker for tumor-associated macrophages [TAMs]) in CRLM tissue were determined by immunohistochemical staining. Fusobacterium nucleatum was detected in eight (4.4%) of 181 CRLM specimens. Compared with Fnucleatum-negative CRLM, Fnucleatum-positive CRLM showed significantly lower density of CD8+ T cells (P = .033) and higher density of MDSCs (P = .001). The association of F. nucleatum with the density of TAMs was not statistically significant (P = .70). The presence of Fnucleatum is associated with a lower density of CD8+ T cells and a higher density of MDSCs in CRLM tissue. Upon validation, our findings could provide insights to develop strategies that involve targeting microbiota and immune cells for the prevention and treatment of CRLM.

Journal Cell Science
Authors Yuki Sakamoto et al
DATE 31 August 2021