
The origins and genetic interactions of KRAS mutations are allele- and tissue-specific

Mutational activation of KRAS promotes the initiation and progression of cancers, especially in the colorectum, pancreas, lung, and blood plasma, with varying prevalence of specific activating missense mutations. Although epidemiological studies connect specific alleles to clinical outcomes, the mechanisms underlying the distinct clinical characteristics of mutant KRAS alleles are unclear. Here, we analyze 13,492 samples from these four tumor types to examine allele- and tissue-specific genetic properties associated with oncogenic KRAS mutations. The prevalence of known mutagenic mechanisms partially explains the observed spectrum of KRAS activating mutations. However, there are substantial differences between the observed and predicted frequencies for many alleles, suggesting that biological selection underlies the tissue-specific frequencies of mutant alleles. Consistent with experimental studies that have identified distinct signaling properties associated with each mutant form of KRAS, our genetic analysis reveals that each KRAS allele is associated with a distinct tissue-specific comutation network. Moreover, we identify tissue-specific genetic dependencies associated with specific mutant KRAS alleles. Overall, this analysis demonstrates that the genetic interactions of oncogenic KRAS mutations are allele- and tissue-specific, underscoring the complexity that drives their clinical consequences.

Journal Nature Communications
Authors Joshua H. Cook et al
DATE 22 March 2021
Microbiome Analysis of More Than 2,000 NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Samples Shows the Potential to Improve Screening…

Purpose: There is potential for fecal microbiome profiling to improve colorectal cancer screening. This has been demonstrated by research studies, but it has not been quantified at scale using samples collected and processed routinely by a national screening program.

Experimental Design: Between 2016 and 2019, the largest of the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme hubs prospectively collected processed guaiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT) samples with subsequent colonoscopy outcomes: blood-negative [n = 491 (22%)]; colorectal cancer [n = 430 (19%)]; adenoma [n = 665 (30%)]; colonoscopy-normal [n = 300 (13%)]; nonneoplastic [n = 366 (16%)]. Samples were transported and stored at room temperature. DNA underwent 16S rRNA gene V4 amplicon sequencing. Taxonomic profiling was performed to provide features for classification via random forests (RF).

Results: Samples provided 16S amplicon-based microbial profiles, which confirmed previously described colorectal cancer–microbiome associations. Microbiome-based RF models showed potential as a first-tier screen, distinguishing colorectal cancer or neoplasm (colorectal cancer or adenoma) from blood-negative with AUC 0.86 (0.82–0.89) and AUC 0.78 (0.74–0.82), respectively. Microbiome-based models also showed potential as a second-tier screen, distinguishing from among gFOBT blood-positive samples, colorectal cancer or neoplasm from colonoscopy-normal with AUC 0.79 (0.74–0.83) and AUC 0.73 (0.68–0.77), respectively. Models remained robust when restricted to 15 taxa, and performed similarly during external validation with metagenomic datasets.

Conclusions: Microbiome features can be assessed using gFOBT samples collected and processed routinely by a national colorectal cancer screening program to improve accuracy as a first- or second-tier screen. The models required as few as 15 taxa, raising the potential of an inexpensive qPCR test. This could reduce the number of colonoscopies in countries that use fecal occult blood test screening.

Journal Clinical Cancer Research
Authors Caroline Young et al
DATE 04 March 2021
Variability in grading of ductal carcinoma in situ among an international group of pathologists

The prognostic value of cytonuclear grade in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is debated, partly due to high interobserver variability and the use of multiple guidelines. The aim of this study was to evaluate interobserver agreement in grading DCIS between Dutch, British, and American pathologists. Haematoxylin and eosin‐stained slides of 425 women with primary DCIS were independently reviewed by nine breast pathologists based in the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA. Chance‐corrected kappa (κma) for association between pathologists was calculated based on a generalised linear mixed model using the ordinal package in R. Overall κma for grade of DCIS (low, intermediate, or high) was estimated to be 0.50 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.44–0.56), indicating a moderate association between pathologists. When the model was adjusted for national guidelines, the association for grade did not change (κma = 0.53; 95% CI 0.48–0.57); subgroup analysis for pathologists using the UK pathology guidelines only had significantly higher association (κma = 0.58; 95% CI 0.56–0.61). To assess if concordance of grading relates to the expression of the oestrogen receptor (ER) and HER2, archived immunohistochemistry was analysed on a subgroup (n = 106). This showed that non‐high grade according to the majority opinion was associated with ER positivity and HER2 negativity (100 and 89% of non‐high grade cases, respectively). In conclusion, DCIS grade showed only moderate association using whole slide images scored by nine breast pathologists. As therapeutic decisions and inclusion in ongoing clinical trials are guided by DCIS grade, there is a pressing need to reduce interobserver variability in grading. ER and HER2 might be supportive to prevent the accidental and unwanted inclusion of high‐grade DCIS in such trials.

Journal The Journal of Pathology
Authors Maartje van Seijen et al
DATE 24 February 2021
Mutagenicity of N-hydroxy-4-aminobiphenyl in human TP53 knock-in (Hupki) mouse embryo fibroblasts

TP53 harbors somatic mutations in more than half of human tumors with some showing characteristic mutation spectra that have been linked to environmental exposures. In bladder cancer, a unique distribution of mutations amongst several codons of TP53 has been hypothesized to be caused by environmental carcinogens including 4-aminobiphenyl (4-ABP). 4-ABP undergoes metabolic activation to N-hydroxy-4-aminobiphenyl (N-OH-4-ABP) and forms pre-mutagenic adducts in DNA, of which N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-4-ABP (dG-C8-4-ABP) is the major one. Human TP53 knock-in mouse embryo fibroblasts (HUFs) are a useful model to study the influence of environmental carcinogens on TP53-mutagenesis. By performing the HUF immortalization assay (HIMA) TP53-mutant HUFs are generated and mutations can be identified by sequencing. Here we studied the induction of mutations in human TP53 after treatment of primary HUFs with N-OH-4-ABP. In addition, mutagenicity in the bacterial lacZ reporter gene and the formation of dG-C8-4-ABP, measured by 32 P-postlabelling analysis, were determined in N-OH-4-ABP-treated primary HUFs. A total of 6% TP53-mutants were identified after treatment with 40 μM N-OH-4-ABP for 24 hr (n = 150) with G>C/C>G transversion being the main mutation type. The mutation spectrum found in the TP53 gene of immortalized N-OH-4-ABP-treated HUFs was unlike the one found in human bladder cancer. DNA adduct formation (~40 adducts/108 nucleotides) was detected after 24 hr treatment with 40 μM N-OH-4-ABP, but lacZ mutagenicity was not observed. Adduct levels decreased substantially (sixfold) after a 24 hr recovery period indicating that primary HUFs can efficiently repair the dG-C8-4-ABP adduct possibly before mutations are fixed. In conclusion, the observed difference in the N-OH-4-ABP-induced TP53 mutation spectrum to that observed in human bladder tumors do not support a role of 4-ABP in human bladder cancer development.

Team Mutographs
Journal Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Authors Lisa Hölzl-Armstrong et al
DATE 23 February 2021
The colorectal cancer-associated faecal microbiome of developing countries resembles that of developed countries

Background: The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing in developing countries, yet limited research on the CRC- associated microbiota has been conducted in these areas, in part due to scarce resources, facilities, and the difficulty of fresh or frozen stool storage/transport. Here, we aimed (1) to establish a broad representation of diverse developing countries (Argentina, Chile, India, and Vietnam); (2) to validate a ‘resource-light’ sample-collection protocol translatable in these settings using guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) cards stored and, importantly, shipped internationally at room temperature; (3) to perform initial profiling of the collective CRC-associated microbiome of these developing countries; and (4) to compare this quantitatively with established CRC biomarkers from developed countries.

Methods: We assessed the effect of international storage and transport at room temperature by replicating gFOBT from five UK volunteers, storing two in the UK, and sending replicates to institutes in the four countries. Next, to determine the effect of prolonged UK storage, DNA extraction replicates for a subset of samples were performed up to 252 days apart. To profile the CRC-associated microbiome of developing countries, gFOBT were collected from 41 treatment-naïve CRC patients and 40 non-CRC controls from across the four institutes, and V4 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed. Finally, we constructed a random forest (RF) model that was trained and tested against existing datasets from developed countries.

Results: The microbiome was stably assayed when samples were stored/transported at room temperature and after prolonged UK storage. Large-scale microbiome structure was separated by country and continent, with a smaller effect from CRC. Importantly, the RF model performed similarly to models trained using external datasets and identified similar taxa of importance (ParvimonasPeptostreptococcusFusobacteriumAlistipes, and Escherichia).

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that gFOBT, stored and transported at room temperature, represents a suitable method of faecal sample collection for amplicon-based microbiome biomarkers in developing countries and suggests a CRC-faecal microbiome association that is consistent between developed and developing countries.

Journal Genome Medicine
Authors Caroline Young et al
DATE 16 February 2021