
Genomic analysis defines clonal relationships of ductal carcinoma in situ and recurrent invasive breast cancer

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the most common form of preinvasive breast cancer and, despite treatment, a small fraction (5–10%) of DCIS patients develop subsequent invasive disease. A fundamental biologic question is whether the invasive disease arises from tumor cells in the initial DCIS or represents new unrelated disease. To address this question, we performed genomic analyses on the initial DCIS lesion and paired invasive recurrent tumors in 95 patients together with single-cell DNA sequencing in a subset of cases. Our data show that in 75% of cases the invasive recurrence was clonally related to the initial DCIS, suggesting that tumor cells were not eliminated during the initial treatment. Surprisingly, however, 18% were clonally unrelated to the DCIS, representing new independent lineages and 7% of cases were ambiguous. This knowledge is essential for accurate risk evaluation of DCIS, treatment de-escalation strategies and the identification of predictive biomarkers.

Journal Nature Genetics
Authors Esther H. Lips et al
DATE 09 June 2022
Utility of Continuous Disease Subtyping Systems for Improved Evaluation of Etiologic Heterogeneity

Molecular pathologic diagnosis is important in clinical (oncology) practice. Integration of molecular pathology into epidemiological methods (i.e., molecular pathological epidemiology) allows for investigating the distinct etiology of disease subtypes based on biomarker analyses, thereby contributing to precision medicine and prevention. However, existing approaches for investigating etiological heterogeneity deal with categorical subtypes. We aimed to fully leverage continuous measures available in most biomarker readouts (gene/protein expression levels, signaling pathway activation, immune cell counts, microbiome/microbial abundance in tumor microenvironment, etc.). We present a cause-specific Cox proportional hazards regression model for evaluating how the exposure–disease subtype association changes across continuous subtyping biomarker levels. Utilizing two longitudinal observational prospective cohort studies, we investigated how the association of alcohol intake (a risk factor) with colorectal cancer incidence differed across the continuous values of tumor epigenetic DNA methylation at long interspersed nucleotide element-1 (LINE-1). The heterogeneous alcohol effect was modeled using different functions of the LINE-1 marker to demonstrate the method’s flexibility. This real-world proof-of-principle computational application demonstrates how the new method enables visualizing the trend of the exposure effect over continuous marker levels. The utilization of continuous biomarker data without categorization for investigating etiological heterogeneity can advance our understanding of biological and pathogenic mechanisms.

Journal Cancers
Authors Ruitong Li et al
DATE 02 April 2022
A multi-modal exploration of heterogeneous physico–chemical properties of DCIS breast microcalcifications

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is frequently associated with breast calcification. This study combines multiple analytical techniques to investigate the heterogeneity of these calcifications at the micrometre scale. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and Raman and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were used to determine the physicochemical and crystallographic properties of type II breast calcifications located in formalin fixed paraffin embedded DCIS breast tissue samples. Multiple calcium phosphate phases were identified across the calcifications, distributed in different patterns. Hydroxyapatite was the dominant mineral, with magnesium whitlockite found at the calcification edge. Amorphous calcium phosphate and octacalcium phosphate were also identified close to the calcification edge at the apparent mineral/matrix barrier. Crystallographic features of hydroxyapatite also varied across the calcifications, with higher crystallinity centrally, and highest carbonate substitution at the calcification edge. Protein was also differentially distributed across the calcification and the surrounding soft tissue, with collagen and β-pleated protein features present to differing extents. Combination of analytical techniques in this study was essential to understand the heterogeneity of breast calcifications and how this may link crystallographic and physicochemical properties of calcifications to the surrounding tissue microenvironment.

Journal Analyst
Authors Sarah Gosling et al
DATE 21 March 2022
Regulation of GTPase function by autophosphorylation

A unifying feature of the RAS superfamily is a functionally conserved GTPase cycle that proteins use to transition between active and inactive states. Here, we demonstrate that active site autophosphorylation of some small GTPases is an intrinsic regulatory mechanism that reduces nucleotide hydrolysis and enhances nucleotide exchange, thus altering the on/off switch that forms the basis for their signaling functions. Using x-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, biolayer interferometry binding assays, and molecular dynamics on autophosphorylated mutants of H-RAS and K-RAS, we show that phosphoryl transfer from GTP requires dynamic movement of the switch II domain and that autophosphorylation promotes nucleotide exchange by opening of the active site and extraction of the stabilizing Mg. Finally, we demonstrate that autophosphorylated K-RAS exhibits altered effector interactions, including a reduced affinity for RAF proteins. Thus, autophosphorylation leads to altered active site dynamics and effector interaction properties, creating a pool of GTPases that are functionally distinct from the non-phosphorylated counterpart.

Journal Molecular Cell
Authors Christian W. Johnson et al
DATE 23 February 2022
Mapping clustered mutations in cancer reveals APOBEC3 mutagenesis of ecDNA

Clustered somatic mutations are common in cancer genomes and previous analyses reveal several types of clustered single-base substitutions, which include doublet- and multi-base substitutions, diffuse hypermutation termed omikli, and longer strand-coordinated events termed kataegis. Here we provide a comprehensive characterization of clustered substitutions and clustered small insertions and deletions (indels) across 2,583 whole-genome-sequenced cancers from 30 types of cancer. Clustered mutations were highly enriched in driver genes and associated with differential gene expression and changes in overall survival. Several distinct mutational processes gave rise to clustered indels, including signatures that were enriched in tobacco smokers and homologous-recombination-deficient cancers. Doublet-base substitutions were caused by at least 12 mutational processes, whereas most multi-base substitutions were generated by either tobacco smoking or exposure to ultraviolet light. Omikli events, which have previously been attributed to APOBEC3 activity, accounted for a large proportion of clustered substitutions; however, only 16.2% of omikli matched APOBEC3 patterns. Kataegis was generated by multiple mutational processes, and 76.1% of all kataegic events exhibited mutational patterns that are associated with the activation-induced deaminase (AID) and APOBEC3 family of deaminases. Co-occurrence of APOBEC3 kataegis and extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA), termed kyklonas (Greek for cyclone), was found in 31% of samples with ecDNA. Multiple distinct kyklonic events were observed on most mutated ecDNA. ecDNA containing known cancer genes exhibited both positive selection and kyklonic hypermutation. Our results reveal the diversity of clustered mutational processes in human cancer and the role of APOBEC3 in recurrently mutating and fuelling the evolution of ecDNA.

Team Mutographs
Journal Nature
Authors Erik N. Bergstrom et al
DATE 09 February 2022